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Seriously, why do people think John Wick is a good movie??? I reviewed the first film back in 2014. Here's an edited version of that video. Support 30-second Sc...
(This is a fictional poem) When I tell people that two plus two equals five, they always laugh. Why do they say that I suck at math? Everybody says that I ca...
Why Do Some People Think Birds Aren't Real?#BirdsArentReal #ConspiracyTheories #Satire #ViralMemes #BirdConspiracy #InternetCulture #WildTheories #ModernSatire ...
http://sellshirt.com Visit and get free shirt or hoodie. Choose from thousands of tees and hoodies with cheapest price here. SellShirt has a large selection of ...
Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Why do people think more government programs and spending is the answer? - America is ...